Crystal Lee 



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This morning I was lounging on the couch with a cup of coffee doing my usual mindless scrolling before beginning the day and I couldn’t help but smile when this post came up in my Facebook memories. It’s hard to believe that it’s only been 3 years since I upgraded from my tired, flash based horizontal […]

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On this day a decade ago I stood in the office (aka – the sunroom) of my 2 bedroom apartment holding a binder full of documents that made me “official.” Today I am sitting in my beautiful 1,300 square foot studio space proudly celebrating 10 years of business. 10 years!! And what an incredible ride it […]

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If you know me at all, you know that I am an inspirational quote junkie! At the beginning of this year I decided to take on a personal project… Motivation Mondays. This series features some of my favorite quotes paired with an image of my own. For a short time they will be shared each […]

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I am SO excited to share my BRAND NEW and seriously FABULOUS website with you!! (Pardon the excessive use of caps, but I am over the moon right now!) It’s been 6 months since the redesign of my studio, which really allowed me to show off my brand and represent who I am as a person and […]

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Happy Monday, everyone! I am so excited to share the finished images of the new studio design today! (insert super excited smiley face here!) (If you haven’t read Part One, click here to check it out!) This project has been such a deeply personal labor of love. Very few people know the full story of this […]

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If you follow my Facebook page you probably saw that a few months ago my studio in The Market Common went through some pretty major changes. It has been my dream for years to have a portrait studio that truly fit my colorful personality and gave me the ability to use the type of professional portrait […]

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After spending money with 2 designers and still not coming out with something that really represents me, I decided to do some major soul searching. I sat down and made a list of all of the unique things in my life that I love. Then I took out my stash of old bridal magazines and […]

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A few days ago I hosted a small get-together at my house for a few of my photographer friends who are in the process of starting their own photography business. One of the first things we talked about was branding. When first developing your brand, it is not uncommon to completely change your mind on […]

