– Updated January 2022 –
There is no doubt that COVID-19 has changed our lives in ways we never expected. Making sure that I can provide a clean, safe space for your baby is more important now than ever before. While we still don’t know what our “new normal” will look like, I am putting extra measures in place on top of what we already do to sanitize the studio for our littlest clients and their families.
Please know that I am taking this virus very seriously, as my job requires me to work with babies that have very delicate immune systems. I also have two children at home myself and I am doing everything I can to prevent bringing any germs home to them.

Your baby’s safety has always been and continues to be my number one concern. While studio cleanliness has always been a priority, I will be taking extra steps for your health as well as my own. Below you will find an updated list of precautions and studio policies that will be in place as we move forward.

Before Your Session
- If anyone in your household is feeling sick or has a fever 7 days prior to your session, we will need to reschedule.
- Likewise, if I or someone in my household become sick I will contact you as soon as possible to reschedule.
- At this time we are asking that only members of your household that will be photographed attend the session. Please reach out to me in advance if you would like to bring a Grandparent or other family member to help assist you with baby.
You can find the CDC’s full list of COVID-19 symptoms here:

Studio Cleaning & Safety
- Frequent mopping with a disinfectant cleaner.
- All surfaces are wiped down with disinfectant wipes, including door handles.
- Washing and/or sanitizing of all blankets and props after each session.
- I will not be wearing shoes in the shooting area of the studio.
- I am up to date with vaccinations including flu and TDap. I have also received both doses of the Covid vaccine as well as a booster.

During Your Session
- Hand sanitizer and/or sanitizing hand wipes will be available for your use at various spots throughout the studio.
- Only immediate family from the same household will be able to attend sessions. (Parents/guardians and siblings.) If siblings are not included in any portraits, I ask that you please make alternate arrangements for them so that we can minimize exposure.
- I will be wearing a mask during newborn sessions for the foreseeable future.
- I will sanitize my hands before and after your session, as well as multiple times during a newborn session.
You can find the CDC guidelines on how to protect yourself here:

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me via email or Facebook. Thank you for your understanding and for helping me keep my studio a safe place for my littlest clients as well as myself.
Be social!
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