The Unleashed program is near and dear to my heart for so many reasons. This program is a great way for people to get beautiful portraits of their pets while also benefiting animals in need.
What exactly is Unleashed?
The Unleashed portrait program was created in 2012 to help benefit local animal shelters. So many of them are very often at maximum capacity and could use all the help they can get to take care of these sweet animals!
These limited edition sessions are available in the studio roughly 2-3 times a year. These mini sessions and extended portrait experiences are focused on bringing in donations and awareness for our local animal shelters. This is a great way for people to get beautiful portraits of their fur babies while helping out animals in need at the same time.
What is the cost?
Session fees start at a discounted rate of $125. You’ll view a live presentation of your finished images 1-2 weeks after the session and at this time you’ll make your final purchase decisions.
Collections begin at just $225 and include a select number of digital images plus print credit.
What is included in the session fee?
Your session fee includes your reservation for this limited-edition event, as well as personalized session planning, up to 45 minutes of studio time, editing and retouching of all final images, and a live viewing & ordering appointment.
We will work together to choose backdrop colors that will compliment both your pet and your home decor, with special consideration to the type of print art you are interested in.
*It’s important to note that 45 minutes of studio time does not mean 45 minutes of photographing. Many pets need time to adjust to being in a new space and I want them to get comfortable with me before I start giving them commands. This extra time is buffered into your session so that we do not have to rush.
Where are the sessions held? Can you photograph my pet in our home?
I do not offer on-location pet sessions. All of my sessions take place in the studio, where I can offer a fun, unique (and colorful!) photographic experience.
Do you only photograph cats and dogs?
Of course not! I welcome all pets, whether they have fur, feather, fins, or scales! I will photograph anything… but if it has scales, I can’t promise I’ll touch it. 😉

When is the next pet event?
Unleashed events take place roughly 2-3 times a year. You can see the updated schedule on my website. I do not start taking appointments for our pet events until the event has been officially released on our Facebook page, typically 2-3 weeks before the event.
What if I am not available during your pet dates? Can I schedule a session at another time?
Because I primarily work with babies in my studio, it is imperative that I keep the studio clean and sanitized. As I’m sure you know, pets can be quite messy! (Dog hair is a fashion accessory, amirite?) The amount of cleanup required after a pet event is pretty intense.
For this reason, I only offer pet mini sessions during our limited-edition events.
Awesome! Where can I view more photos?
You can check out the awesome Unleashed website at, as well as our Facebook page! 🙂
Who is your favorite pet photographer?
My all-time favorite pet photographer is Rachael Hale, her stuff is so much fun! I consider her the “Anne Geddes” of pet photography. What an inspiration!
I hope that answers any questions you may have about our Unleashed program. I am so overjoyed with the response to these sessions and I hope to meet you and your fur-baby at our next event! 🙂
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